Installing the Audio-Reactive Module


  1. In order to use the Ethernet Module, you must ensure that you are using an A/R-enabled version of the WLED firmware.

    If you are using v0.14, you must download and install the latest "A/R-enabled" firmware .
    If you are using c0.15, A/R is built into the base firmware. No re-flashing is necessary unless you already have a non-base firmware installed.

    The latest firmware releases can be found HERE.

              The A/R-enabled firmwares will end in "-AR".

               Directions for flashing the WLED firmware can be found at:

  2. Disconnect power from the controller, insert the A/R module into the Tetra's expansion header. Check that all pins are properly seated and align the semicircle cutout on the module with the drawing on the controller.

  3.  Re- attach power to the controller and power on

  4. Once inside of the WLED control panel, look for the top menu and click in the INFO button.

  5. Enable the AudioReactive mod by clicking on the "power" icon next to the phrase "AudioReactive":

    A/R is now enabled.

  6. Find an A/R effect. A/R effects have a single (eighth) note next to them, like the "Gravimeter effect:

    Congrats - your Audio-Reactive module is now activated and configured!